Емина Смоловић, биографија

Prof.dr. Emina Smolović rođena je 16.03.1970. godine.

Završila je studije violine na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu, u klasi prof. Dejana Mihailovića, a magistrirala violinu na FMU u Beogradu, u klasi prof. Jasne Maksimović. Završila je specijalističke studije iz predmeta Metodika nastave gudačkih instrumenata u klasi prof. Dejana Mihailovića, kao i specijalističke studije iz Kamerne muzike u klasi prof. Olivere Đurđević, takođe na Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu. Doktorirala je Violinu na Muzičkoj akademiji u Sarajevu, mentor prof. Angel Stankov (Sofijska nacionalna akademija, Bugarska), a sada je u toku  doktorskih studija iz Muzičke pedagogije – Metodike, na Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu,

Kao solista i kao član razlčitih ansambala imala je niz koncerata u zemlji i inostranstvu (Francuskoj, Italiji, Egiptu, Izraelu, Turskoj, Japanu…). Kao solista, svirala je sa SO RTS-a, sa Sarajevskom filharmonijom i sa Umetničkim ansamblom „Stanislav Binički“. Svirala je u velikom broju kamernih ansambala, od dua do kamernog orkestra. Bila je predstavnik MO Srbije u „Mediteranskom orkestru mladih“. Svirala je u Novosadskoj filharmoniji, SO RTS-a, orkestru Doma vojske SCG, Sarajevskoj filharmoniji.

Udžbenik  Metodika početne nastave violine  ( izdavač Akademija lepih umetnosti) objavila je 2008. godine, a 2012. Principi i razvoj metodike nastave violine u Rusiji (izdavač Muzička akademija Istočno Sarajevo).

Od 2003. zaposlena je na Filološko-umetničkom fakultetu u Kragujevcu u zvanju redovnog profesora.

D.M.A. Emina Smolovic, full professor, was born 16.03.1970.

She finished studis of violin at Academy of Arts in Novi Sad with prof. Dejan Mihailovic and Master at Faculty of Music  in Belgrade with prof. Jasna Maksimovic. She has also finished specialistic studies on subject Metodics of teaching string instruments with prof. Dejan Mihailovic, as well as specialistic studies on chamber music with prof. Olivera Djurdjevic. Obtained Doctoral Degree at the Music Academy of the University of Sarajevo (mentor full professor Angel Stankov , Bulgaria) and was awarded title of Doctor of Musical Art (Violin). At the moment, she is doing specialistic postgraduate dissertation on Music pedagogy – Metodic, at Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade.

As a soloist and member of different ensembles, she had many concerts in country and abroad (France, Italy, Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Japan etc.). As a soloist, she played with Symphony Orchestra of RTS, with Sarajevo Philharmony, with chamber orchestra of Sarajevo Philharmony and with artistic ensemble “Stanisalv Binicki”. She performed with a great number of chamber ensembles, from duo to chamber orchestra. She also presented Serbian Music Youth in “Mediteranean Youth Orchestra”. She played in Novi Sad Philharmony, Symphony Orchestra of RTS, Army orchestra of Serbia and Montenegro, Sarajevo Philharmony and Opera.

She worked in music school “Kosta Manojlovic” in Zemun as a professor. of violin, chamber music, reading from the sheath and with orchestra of students of the school and after that, in Symphony Orchestra of RTS.

Since December 2003. she has been working at Faculty of Philology and Arts in Kragujevacas as full professor on subject Metodics of teaching string instruments.

In 2008. she published a  textbook Metodics of beginning lessons of violin (publisher – Academy of fine arts, Belgrade), and in 2012. Principles and development metodics of violin teaching in Russiai (publisher – Music Acadmy East Sarajevo).